Proposing to your special someone is not a very easy task. With all the excitement and nervousness running through your mind, you tend to get confused on how to propose to win her heart right away.

Sharing with you some millennial and techie ways to propose your special someone-
- Add a custom proposal “song” to his or her go-to playlist on Spotify, or record an unexpected proposal podcast. This will surely melt her heart away.
- Take the help of a friend to take photos of you with posters that say, “will,” “you,” “marry” and “me?” Then make plans to meet up in a special spot and before you arrive, text the photos in order. When the last message goes through, show up and get down on one knee.
- Create a web page declaring your love and wedding proposal then leave a clue with the web address written on it—don’t say a word. After the proposal, announce the good news by sending the link to family and friends.
- Set up a live-stream channel and invite all your friends and family to watch the proposal in real-time from wherever you choose to pop the question.
- Update a social media profile (like Instagram) with “fiance” in your bio. Ask your partner what they think of your feed and savour the confusion on their face before they realize what’s happening.
- Pick the perfect spot to propose and have a photographer hide somewhere discreet. After your proposal, your photographer can snap some posed photos too.