Hindu Wedding A Hindu wedding not only involves the bride and groom but the entire community, friends, family and relatives as everybody participates in their coming together of the to-be couple. The first and the foremost step is the selection of the bride and the bridegroom. While in love marriages, a boy and a girl
Suggestions on how to find a suitable match on a Matrimonial Website
Following are the few points you should keep in mind while searching for a match on matrimonial site. Lоgіn regularly Once you create a profile on a matrimonial website, make sure to remain active and log in regularly to be able to find a match of your choice. As new members registering daily, you will
Defence Wards Matrimony
Even though we all hope our marriage will last forever, a third of marriages end in divorce, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. “Tough spots will always occur – one partner might get sick, get the sack, or need to attend to a dying parent,” says psychologist Meredith Fuller, explaining that every union will

Challenges of an Army Wife
Marriage as an institution is the union of two souls, however apart in personalities to come together and share a life together, in sickness and in health, through hardships and troubles, sharing all the joy and sadness it entails. For a defence wife, the journey can at times can seem like that of a sole

Questions to ask before Marriage
When it comes to Arranged Marriages, call it shyness or hoping for things to settle down on their own later, not many couples prefer to ask certain questions before they get hitched. As relationship expert Robert Scuka said in an interview with The New York Times, “If you don’t deal with an issue before marriage,

Qualities you should look for in your Partner in Marriage- Defencewardsmatrimony
Here are some qualities you should look for in your prospective partner… 1. Maturity This is one important quality you need to look for in your life partner. S/he should be mentally prepared to take on the responsibilities of a family and should be capable of taking independent decisions at the time of crisis. Physical,

Defence Wards Matrimony – Army,Navy & Air Force Matrimony
Defence wards matrimony is to help defence personnel be it Army , Navy or Air force find the right match either for themselves or for their children/wards. Matchmaking is at times a problem for the defence personnel. The defence community is relatively small and this portal is of immense aid for all those searching