While starting a family is often the next step to take as a recently married couple, it’s not a decision to be made on the whim — especially since once your bundle arrives, there’s a no return policy. The world is filled with uncertainty – jobs can be unstable and healthcare costs are high, so careful planning is essential! Check
Coping With Anxiety After A Breakup
Whether your relationship lasted six months or three years, the stress after a break up can be tough. It can leave you feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically drained. This is completely normal and it’s important to be patient with yourself during the breakup recovery process. It is not uncommon to feel anxious after a breakup. Many
How to have a “Ghar Diwali away from Home”- DWM
Diwali, like any other festival, is an occasion to bond with family, make joyful memories and feel thankful for what we have. Diwali is traditionally spent with family, visiting friends and acquaintances to exchange gifts and eat copious amounts of food. This is the day to share your joy with your near and dear ones.
How to #StayMarried- Defence Wards Matrimony
Hello Friends! Today we are going to share with you Some secrets to a Lifelong, Successful Marriage. Divorce nowadays is very common in our society, lifelong and successful marriage is looked upon as impossible. Truly, It is a rarity. However, it is not impossible to achieve. Staying married “until death do us part” and making
The couple that fights together, stays together
If you love me, fight with me. If you love me, yell with me. Scream and shout with me to show me you care. Shake with me and cry with me. Become exhausted, annoyed and utterly fed up with me. Dance with me in this maddening tango of love and pain. Slam doors, punch walls and
Best zodiac pairs for marriage
Today we are going to share with you about the Zodiac Signs that you will be most compatible with, Some of us might not believe in such things, but it is always better to know something extra when choosing a life partner. Isn’t it? So, here it goes.. Aries (March 20-April 19) As per the
Best Marriage Proposal Ideas- DWM
A marriage proposal is an event or moment that will (hopefully) only happen once in your lifetime, so it is obvious that you will want it to be memorable and perfect. After gathering that much courage to ask, you’ll want a romantic way to pop it out. A truly great marriage proposal can be very hard
The Courage to Love Well…
Yes! It takes courage.. the courage to stay true to your partner and to love them well. You might have come across many people having failed relationships in their life. They might be your friend, Cousin, relatives etc. It is painful and really hard to bear. The reasons for a failed marriage or a relationship
Marriage is not about age; it’s about finding the right person. Life, as we know, is not a bed of roses, From childhood till the time you get old, you have to make so many major decisions which are sometimes confusing and infuriating. These decisions are important because our future is based on these decisions. Choosing
The Best Wedding Destinations in India
The word wedding is often associated with fun and thrill. And why not, after all Wedding is all about having fun and to enjoy as much as you can. And we have found out a way to make it more exciting.. Can you guess how? Yes! you got it right, we are talking about the